End of last year, surprisingly I received a message from a dear friend. I don't know about you, but it was quite seldom for me to receive a message or letter or notes, or whatever that is, which conveyed how a friend sees you, how they feel about you, etc... While reading it, I was like thinking "is that me? really? did I do that?". Well, I certainly realize my habits, how I do things, but still it feels strange to look all of them from the eyes of others. Anyway, I believe there is a purpose for every person that we meet. Some are there to test you, some will use you, some will teach you, and some will against you. And this friend, my coffee buddy, has certainly taught me a lot, especially how to be a bit more "human" , to relax and enjoy life! Wherever you are now, however life treats you, my pray and thoughts will always be with you, my friend... :)
Pertama kali masuk, gw sempt diinterview sama elo. Actually from the very beginning, quite curious sama yg namanya Astrid Damayanti. I have this sense, this girl is different :) and actually not easy either buat deket ama elo ya.. Hehe..
Gw mantau gerak gerik elo yg cekatan, yg setia duduk di kursi depan laptopnya berjam2.. Dalam hati gw waktu itu "Gile juga ni anak satu, apa pinggangnya kagak pegel ya? Gesit bgt... Hmmm... But somehow she's not that happy, I wonder why".. Itu yg gw rasain saat itu en ternyata ada sebagian yg salah, you always find your way for happiness! Even thru small things :) Full of spirit, positive minded.. And sometimes I thought at that time you were too ambitious, but again, I was wrong..
The more time goes by, the more I understand you :) You are one of the toughest friends I've ever known. And I am blessed to get to know you in person. Loe memberikan contoh yg baik buat orang2 di sekeliling elo tanpa loe notice, which is very good! :)
My wish, loe gak akan putus semangat dan harapan atas apapun yg loe ingin raih... One day, we can both sit down and flash back atas kehidupan kita masing2 and can laugh laugh with a cup of latte and my ciggy of course.. Hehe..
Hhhhh.. How time flies ya.. But good friends will never die. If you need a friend to cry or share things, you can count on me.. Insya Allah.. I value our friendships & won't ever forget nice things you have done for me, it meant a lot to me.. Thanks a bunch ya buddy! I know this will sounds *yucky* but you are one good hell of a friend that I care much top of people you might think when I was in still in the same office with you- secara gw juga gak punya banyak temen di sana, gak penting juga. Hahahaha!! Please take care of yourself, its a big world and lots of dangerous species outhere ;)
HUGS! and have a new spirit 2012, God Bless You, Astrit :)
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