These past two days have been one of the most challenging days in my entire working life. It wasn't such a pleasant thing and it is not the thing that I want to share here. During that unfortunate moment, I found something fun and entertaining (at least for me).
Still in office, 8:50pm, sitting blankly at my messy cubicle and feeling nothing at all. Still dumb-founded with what just happened in the office. Suddenly my mobile phone rang. It was the call from one of my good friends Yanti.
Yanti: "Halo? Halo??? Kucrit?? Halooo...woy...!! Lo bisa denger suara gue ngga?? (Dengan suara kenceng)
Astrid: Iya, Yan...kenapa? (suara yg lemes)
Yanti: "Haloooo.....hoooy?? Kucriiit....!! Lo denger suara gue gaaa? (Suara sopran level dua belas)
Astrid: "Denger, Yan...kenapa?" (suara lemes sambil pengen jitak kepala si Yanti)
Yanti: "Halo?? Trit...bodo deh, denger ga denger gue ngomong ajah....mesin cuci gue kenapa ya, airnya ga mau masuk nih ke tabung mesin cucinya, kenapa beres mesin kan baru jg dua minggu, masa udah ngadat gini...kaga beres nih...kenapa ya, trit?" (mrepet kayak petasan cabe rawit)
Astrid: .....?? (pingsan stadium 4)
And there she was. Blabbering about her new lovely washing machine as if I was the technician that should haven known what went wrong with the machine, while I was struggling to stabilize my emotion. This girl sometimes can be so "amazing" (in a good way) ^_^v
The madness at work continued way much worse the next day. All the frustration, anger, fear, sadness and confusion came at much bigger speed and gravity level, that hardly bounced me back to the ground. And there was another call from Yanti, but this time I asked her to call my direct line to save me from screaming over my mobile phone because of the unstable signal of one service provider at my office building.
There was me, Yanti and Nitto on the conference line.
.......cutting the story short.....
Yanti: "Eh Trit, konfrenin juga si Chris dong..tu anak pasti lagi miting jam segini...kita recokin aja"
Nitto: "Emang elu, Yan...jam 10 pagi, bukannya kerja malah nangkring luluran di salon..."
Yanti: "Eh, gue kan ijin sakit tu hari...salahnya bos gue, dia percaya"
Astrid: "Kalo si Chris ngomel, tanggung jawab lu ye... gue sambungin bentar"
Yanti: "Iyee...kaga bakalan marah tu anak...paling mrepet doang..."
*dialing Chris' mobile number"
Chris: "Halo...." (suara galak)
Astrid: "Hoy, Chris...gue konfren in ye sama anak2, ada Yanti ama Nitto"
*dialing back to confrence line where Yanti and Nitto was laughing out loud over some silly things*
Yanti: "Woooii...Chris, lg ngapain lu? Meeting yak...hahaha...kita juga lg miting nih, mikirin ntar malem hang out kemane enaknya"
Nitto: "Dimane"
Yanti: "Kita ngupi2 aja..."
Astrid: "Ogah kalo cuma ngupi, gue lapaaarr...kudu makan berat"
Nitto: "Iya, daerah Kuningan aja, kaga 3in1"
Yanti: "Iya, bawel ye...atau hari Sabtu aja?"
Nitto: "Ga bisa wiken, family time.."
Yanti: "Halah, tau ga, anak loe juga empet tauk liat'er aja lu"
Nitto: "Siakul..."
Chris: "ostopiloh...gue barusan rijek telpon emak gue karena gue lg di miting, dan sekarang gue kudu angkat tlp kalian yg ternyata cekikian ga jelas doang...bener2 ya lu orang pada. Bbm in gue aja dimana, jam berapa ntar malem" *Klik tutup telp*
Those two calls might sound like just any ordinary calls, nothing special. But somehow, it was one of the things that have actually managed to bring back my sanity. Thanks, guys....and also thanks for the support and encouragement over the dinner and the 'ngupi' time... Yes, you're right...that's life...that's just one of the things in life...get over it and move on...keep going... :)
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