Saturday, October 30, 2010

Keep it simple, kiddo!

Yesterday, I have this chat with my old good friend. He used to work at the same office with me couple of years ago before taking up a new assignment in Cairo, Egypt. He was (and still is) my guru, the one who often gave me strong criticsm over my writing, but at the same time, he helped me to make it better. My writing is certainly far from good and sometimes when I enjoyed my time at writing, I could hear his voice in my head "Keep it simple, kiddo! What are you trying to say, the sentence is too long - break it down, it doesn't make sense...".

The chat I had with him was really encouraging me. I'm sharing it here to remind myself over and over again in the course of my journey of learning to write well. It is to also share with those of you who love writing and are in the beginning phase of doing it, just like me.

IA: Hey, you web page is good. You should write some books.
Me: My web page? The blog?
IA: Yes, it has a lot of things.
Me: Naaaahh.... way from good!
IA: Yes it is good - and has some story lines. Look at it this way - another way to make some money
Me: Haha...most of them are in bahasa...and those in english are still lousy...
IA: You have imagination thay what people want to read start to write novels you blog page are collection of ideas, dreams, feeling, emotions now put then together and write a novel you can use you blog to collect ideas from others too ...and use them in your stories by adding the more imaginations....get my point ?
Me: You really have that confidence on me, don't you?
IA: Yes I do. Start in bahasa, then brush up english later.
Me: I hope I could share the same confidence...
IA: You should. You're a fighter, remember!
Me: A fighter with bad English..Hehe...Exactly just what my job requires it at best..
IA: Language is a long life learning process. You can start writing children's story books..
Me: That's really difficult
IA: Remember - who (readers) why (they want to read this) where (they want to be) what (they are wishing for) when (in their life) but write for the readers !!! Start...!
Me: You really got me, I start to think of starting it already...
IA: You can start with a normal beginning, then lead into normal Jakarta life, then make a twist (this is where the imagination comes to play and link them into normal life of people) then try to end with a bang (sometime happy sometime sad)
Me: Hey, why don't you write as well? You're really good at writing too... It could be a good change, other then dealing with all the machines, servers, computers...
IA: I can't write...too logical in thought process. Go on, start!
Me: Will do...but sometimes it comes with mood. When I was annoyed of something, then it was just flowing, and I couldn't stop of writing it down..
IA: Yeap, but remember you dont have to do this in one seating, use your BB to record your mood, then play back for your imagination to take over, voice recording , pictures etc. then go wild in your imagination and start writing section / chapter at a time, then link then in story line and flow.
Me: That's what I sometimes in the train, I thought of something, then I typed it on my cell I was affraid that it will lose. Playing with imagination can be difficult, as I'm not used to it . Sometimes I wish I were sarcastic, that would be so much fun
IA: You can - just dream or go with wishes . example: remember your experience in life . the rest wil just follow one you start / ok may be not the first time but eventually you will get the hand of it
Me: Yes...sometimes when you read it over and over, you can suddenly have ideas to add in between...
IA: Yeap. Next time - you are on bus going home... look at the sights, backgrounds, people, their face, light, smells, etc and wonder off to WHAT they might be thinking and HOW their day have been and WHAT waits then at around with imagination...
Me: Thank you so much for believing in me... I will definately give it a may take a loooong time to finally complete it...but a journey of thousand miles is begun with one single step, right? And...hopefully it would be the one that I'm trying to find as what my passion is in life...
IA: Glad to hear that! Hey, I need to find some food now - hunger is catching up...keep in touch and chat later ~~
Me: Haha...go...go.... !
IA: Have a good weekend...
Me: You too...
IA: Bye for now...
Me: Bye..

To all of my friends (and me)....happy writing! :-)


Annisa said...

setuju Mba Astrid, you should try it.. semua hal ada permulaan, jangan takut untuk nyoba :) u can do it! semangaaaat

astrid damayanti h. putri said...

Yeaaayy...thank you, Nisa...ayooo, kamu juga bisaaa...penasaran niy liat novel yg Nisa tulis...intiip dong..intiiipp... ;)