Tuesday, April 26, 2016

One year down, forever to go!

Today, April 26, 2016, is exactly one year I'm being married. Pheeww...still can't believe it. Mixed feelings actually. Sometimes I still miss 'me', the single girl who felt very much content about her life, who spent her days with only fun and keluyuran with friends.

Looking back, my wedding was everything I have ever wanted to be - well, not everything, but I was very grateful. It is indeed the bride's privilege, to define what sort of fairytale to be realized. I was so lucky to have Budi, who was very supportive and very patient to deal with me and my bridezilla.

When we started planing the wedding, we wanted our wedding to be simple, a family and friend gathering, not too formal (well, actually we really wanted to be as casual as possible, not even we should have pelaminan, but then we should consider family). I was very blessed that Budi and I immediately agreed on this concept and committed to it, not too many conflicts during the process. Well...ehmm...except when I got stressful in the beginning and could be soooo chirpy about everything, hahaha... but when things were in better shape later on, I got quite confident.

We prepared everything almost by ourselves (though it was so tempted to hire a wedding organizer). With the help from families and friends, we managed to look for vendors, work on the invitation design, select flowers, decide wedding outfits and look for the perfect tailors, deal with legal papers (oh dear, this one could be so stressful), select the menu, work on the rundown, coordinate song list with choir, etc. We couldn't be enough thankful for our families who were always be there and be the greatest support to us. Even though you're capable to do all stuffs by yourselves, support from the people that you love has always been the greatest push and the one who make it all possible. So here is to our Bapak, Ibu, Mba Vita, Mas Andi, BuWied, Mba Henny, Mba Anik, Mas Yoseph, Pak Dudi (alm) + Tante Nuning, Andre, Rio, Mba Ita, Oom Yatno, Oom Joko... and an even longer list that we can't mention one by one. Without their help, pray and support, it could never be that beautiful...

Holy matrimony at Gereja Katholik Kristus Raja
The last but certainly not the least is my bridesmaid - Virgin! Kisses and hugs to my dearest friend who ran here and there (literally!) to do everything in her power to keep things went smoothly on the D-day. Could you believe, that right before the holy matrimony, she even went to Gramedia in Plaza Semanggi, all dressed up (!) to look for a 3-pin power socket, lakban, etc. Thanks for always being there for the late-night whatsapps, sudden calls and dinner meetings, to be my 'trash bin' to my endless worries. She closed my day with a wish that melted my heart! Thank you, Gin... *hugs* …..and my big thanks to my buddies, Chris and Patar (you two made a great combo of MC-ing) and Nitto, a corporate executive with his amazing photography talent. Thanks a lot, guys!

One year down, forever to go.

I believe a marriage is actually a beginning of another life phase. It doesn’t take out anything from my life, particularly the life when I was single, but add so much more. Yes, marriage might squeeze out the singles you used to hang with, as your priorities change, but I believe it gifts you with a new entourage of relatives to call your own. Now I have parents, sisters, brothers, in laws, even cute nephew and niece. I was truly blessed!

Though, it’s only a year and not been so long (And by long, I mean 25 years or 30 years or eternity), but still, I feel Budi is the right one for me and I love him even more (well, he surely did say the same thing to me…hahaha). Budi is a person who is so caring (sometimes it also goes extreme) and genuine, and a partner who is always there for me. I’m blessed to have him who is ready to bear my ups and downs, who always tries to give me a reason to grin when things get rough. We always find ways to act extremely silly and ridiculous, so embarrassing, like the games of dugong-smack down, jelly-belly dance, and many others that make us laughing out loud... oh gosh.. we can be ridiculously silly :D

Of course, just like other couples, there were certainly times when we fought like crazy and didn’t even speak for hours, and I think it is ok for couples to get quarrel, but it has to be for reasonable reasons. As we grow together in this relationship, we certainly wish to be able to understand and accept each other even better.

So what’s next?

When I was single, just like mostly single ladies, I often got asked "When are you going to get married?", then I smiled in reply. Now the questions turned to be "Udah isi belum?" or "Are you pregnant yet?". And in reply, I just smiled as sweet as cotton candy and said "Belum, doain aja ya".

I'm not sure I'm like other women or wives in general, who are immediately planning to get conceived right after they say "I do". I want to enjoy life-after-marriage first, to travel to countries with my husband like we always did when we were still dating, to get adjusted to this marriage life and enjoy everything in a relaxing phase.

Santorini, Greece
Porto, Portugal

Florence, Italy

Monte Carlo, Monaco

Madrid, Spain
I want everything to be ready, such as how we should manage when the baby arrives - should we take help of babysitters, should I quit from my work, how we should take turn in taking care the baby...and so many things to get settled (Can't blame myself for being such a plan-freak!).

But lately, I kinda feel to want one, a baby. Not because of our age, not because of the questions from the people, not because of that it is the thing that normally couples do after married. Simply because I want to. Regardless all the things that remains unsettled (the baby sitting things). I know my husband loves kids very much and can be very protective and loving at the same time with children. And I strongly believe I can be one too.

So let's see how life takes my wish. Right now, I'm very much content about my life. There is so much, so much to be grateful to my dear Lord. For every great things and not-so-good things, I thank to Him, and pray to have years ahead filled with even more blessings.
Cheers to a beautiful life... ^_^

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