But, for me, one thing that would make a difference was the team, the people that you work with to make the event successful. And this year, I was truly blessed to have the privilege to work together with these great colleagues as the organizing committee (OC). The team consisted of colleagues who came from different walk of life but made the same commitment, to do whatever it takes (hmmm...sound a bit scary) to make the 2010 Employee Day hit a success.

Front from left: Verra, Randy, Maria Astrid, Camelia, Yudhi and me
Virtually: Inez (kemana dirimuuuu?)
They definately were not the people who did not have anything to do or less busy than the others, nor were they would like to achieve praise and compliments over what they would have done. Together we tried to comprehend and recognize the diverse strengths and abilities in our group setting and then applying them to one final solution.
Meetings, discussions, exercising, sharing frustration and confusion were among the things that we did during the preparation and in between of all the routine work commitment that we still need to do. However, in all of those, we'd never lose the apetitite to have fun, throw some jokes and teasing one another especially when the stress reached the high level.
Meetings, discussions, exercising, sharing frustration and confusion were among the things that we did during the preparation and in between of all the routine work commitment that we still need to do. However, in all of those, we'd never lose the apetitite to have fun, throw some jokes and teasing one another especially when the stress reached the high level.
So here is a tribute to all my mates and colleagues who have shown a strong commitment and dedication until we finally presented a beautiful moment in Ayer Island. So proud to work with you and an honor to be part of this great team!
Yudhi, my partner in crime, whose "kegalakannya" was always reliable (peace yo, Pak...). That was truly shown that during the event, he was one of the most 'galak' person who would without any doubt bite anyone that would distract the event. We mostly played 'bad cop' and 'good cop' when dealing with several parties :-)
Oveldo and Ray, the transportation coordinators who dealt with boat arrangement, one among other crucial areas that really required high attention. I remembered when the whole scenario was suddenly changed at pier and people were queuing (all at once!), but they both managed it very well with close coordination to one another. The same case for the return route (island - pier)

People said that leave all the F&B things to women. They're the best! Well, that was really true. Camelia and Erna were two of the experts in this area. They selected and formulated the menu to ensure that everybody would have the energy throughout the day.
People love appearance! That have had inspired Verra to do her best in designing the tshirts and caps. Dealing with every details (color, materials, images, suppliers etc) was all she has gone through to produce beautiful outfits that would be the identity of this event, a common uniform.

She might be a new comer in the organization, but her ability to stay focus among all the bustles and huzzles was something that amazed me at all times. Dealing with the every-minutes-changing registration was quite challenging, but Maria Astrid (someone called her "Astrid muda"... Oh, I really hate Oveldoooo, huhuuu!!) managed it very well. She also supported in dealing with suppliers to ensure all delivered on time.
Randy - the bayi sehat, was one who could stay calm and was very helpful. He dealt with all the supporting equipment and relinquished his Friday night to be in the island one day before the event to ensure everything was in place, the way it was planned. Hope you had a wonderful stay together with the boys, Ran... sure that Pepenk and Dicxon were not harmful having you with them :-)
Oh by the way, a very nice performance and outfit during the cabaret! hahaha....!
Annisa and Lia, who regretfully couldn't fit the costume of Barney and Chiki, stood bravely at the entrance gate, being the first power to welcome the people and among the first troops who arrived at site when it was still dawn!
Annisa and Lia, who regretfully couldn't fit the costume of Barney and Chiki, stood bravely at the entrance gate, being the first power to welcome the people and among the first troops who arrived at site when it was still dawn!
Pak Pras, despite all the shocking of last minute incident, had provided a great support being the speaking partner and coordinator for Cibitung team. It must be quite challenging to coordinate around 150 staffs all in your hands! Bravo!
And so many other colleagues who have worked day and night: The ABB band, Pepenk and Dicxon, Puri - the singing girl, Hepy who had helped in organizing the tshirt distribution, Mbak Najah who had been nicely involved in cabaret and being the escort in the island - really loved when you say "welcome to the island"... yaaay! Really felt as it was indeed our island!
Like everything in life, this event too had two sides of a coin. The success came also with some minor setbacks, but one thing for sure, my mind stays the same, being so glad to have the opportunity to work with all of you and sincerely convey my gratitude for all support you have given me tremendously and... for beating with one heart!
Hats off to you all!
I'm looking forward to working with all of you again in the future in more exciting projects. Family Day 2011?? :)) Early birds for commitee application is opened...now..! :))
Mba Astrid!!!
Hats of to you too to have successfully lead and motivate us throughout the journey :). Joining this committee was surely one of the best memories I have working here...
ps : as for the Barney and Chiki customes, I still feel Lia and Mba Ami fit it quite perfectly ehehehehehhehe
anyway, my blog is http://annisamasulili.blogspot.com/
there comes a time for the Barney and Chiki...some other time ya, Nis...hehe..teuteuup lho!
Now, I already follow your blog ;)
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