Pheeewww...finally I got to reach the final day!
If I could slightly take it easy in the first two days, it was a whole different story on the third day, which was luckily the last and final day! Yeaaay..!! :-)
I practically couldn't do anything yesterday. My head was truly spinning around, my body was extremely weak, but I didn't feel any stomachache at all, which I initially thought I would. It was just the total weakness that got me so badly. I tried to drink more water, eat more fruits. It worked, for a while but then I felt week again. I spent most of the day laying down in bed or in front of TV.
That was one of the reasons why I didn't update this blog last night like in the previous two days.
This morning, I took two glass of waters and a slice of wheat breath with mixed-fruits jam. All the dreams of eating nasi padang, mie goreng, pempek, etc... have gone in astray! Hmm...temporarily? :-)
So from that 3-day refraining from one of the world's greatest gifts (food!), what am I gonna get? Well, today I feel a way much lighter in my body weight. My belly becomes flatter (oops! there you go, I just revealed one secret). But unfortunately, I just got the fact from Internet: In the initial period of eating fruit, weight loss can be drastic, but this will only happen for a while for once the body has done nature’s work, it will naturally gain weight... oh, poor me...!
However, I believed that the benefits that I would get from this detox would not happen in the short term but it would be an investment in the long run. 20 years of McDonald can not be cleansed in just 3 days! Oh I wish it could be that easy! It would take times and investments, which at least I have just made one. I just need to monitor and maintain "my investment" so that I one day I could reap the benefit with multiple value....keep my finger tightly crossed! :-)
Thanks to my friend, Ricky who have introduced me to this cleansing method.
This afternoon, let's wish that my weakness will go away so that I could go hanging out with Nitto and the rest gank.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Day 2: the battle is not yet over...
This is the second day of my detox.
It was getting so much harder. I started to think, would it be easier to do it during working days, not in a holiday like now? So I would have so many things to distract my attention. Then I realized perhaps it was just one of so many perfect reason to call it a day!
Let's talk about the temptation that I have to fight today. It was begun with a dream last night. Yes, it was true when people said if you want something badly, you would even sleep and dream on it. In my case, I wish I would never have that dream. What was my dream? I dreamed that I was in the middle of great party with friends all around and, unfortunately, with the food showering around. You name it: a crunchy pempek palembang with that black sour sauce, Chinese mie goreng with that delicious smell, a pack of nasi padang with rendang and creamy vegetable and green chili.... hahaha...kindda confuse what was the party I was at... the food didn't really represent a party!
Then I woke up (with growling stomach) and the fresh memory of that dream, just to start my day. I went to check Facebooks (FB) and found some funny and silly comments from friends over some photos (really fun) and I gladly joined the troops. It was fun! I also run through some of my friends FB status who were 90% talked about 'Lebaran' traditional showering food! Ketupat, opor, rendang, sambal goreng ati, kaastengels... did they really have to put all those stuffs in their status, so I thought? Of course, they did! Well, I certainly would! It was a true happiness, it was a living...!
I decided to turn on the TV. I hope to see some entertaining show or great movies to keep my mind busy. But you know what? I forgot that it's Saturday! Most of TV stations put up the cooking show in most of their morning show! So I had no choice but watching Chef Farah demonstrated the recipe of (again) lebaran typical food with all the details of creamy look, the ingredients to tell audience what the taste would like. Not only that, she also shared how to cook the lovely milky pudding...Whoaaa! Pudding! It was mostly the first thing to grab when I was in any wedding reception or office function! That's it. I walked away from TV.
Then I went joining my brother in the back terrace, thinking to have a light chat with him and distract my attention. I felt hungry and grabbed some melon in fridge as my breakfast. While we were chatting, he too had a breakfast. A real one! Nasi goreng with hot omelet, smoked beef sausage and some kerupuk. Hmmm... I could hold my breath but that smell was reeaaaaaallyy good! Soon he finished it up, he started to have a steamed noodle, an overcooked one which was my favorite. That's it! I couldn't take it anymore. I went to shower.
In the afternoon, my brother went out to see some old friends. I could have joined him since he'd go to some shopping malls and perhaps make a call to meet some of my friends too, but that would be a way much bigger risk failing to refuse the temptation, with all those food stalls like KFC, the salty french fries, chicken floss from Bread Talk, tuna crepes, hot coffee... no! I decided to stay at home.
If TV couldn't help me, then why not playing some DVDs? As all the morning stuffs didn't enough to 'torture' me, why all the sudden the SATC and Glee movies series should also join the troops? Sigh.... It was about the girls hanging out in a cafe for coffee, a guy ordering a biig portion of burger or simply the act of eating and chewing some foods really dragged me to even a greater hunger.
It was heavily raining outside, so I turned off the un-supportive TV and took a nap. But... damn! Again! I had those dreams! Over and over again. I woke up at 4 pm, had some water and slept again, hoping that this time it would not be about food dreaming again. But I was so damn wrong.
I went to FB again, thinking that the euphoria of lebaran food festive was now over. Yes, the lebaran food party is over, but don't get it wrong... it just changed to others! They who have got enough with milky meals and all ketupat things, turned to some light soup like hot meal balls soup, dim sum with the hot chili or sup iga sapi. They were all loud and clear about that!
Poor me... the whole universe didn't seem to support me, but I would not give up. It's only one day left...Strongly hope that I would not end up with revenge at the end and eat like crazy... counting on what Ricky said, that it would make my appetite re-set again....fingers crossed!
It was getting so much harder. I started to think, would it be easier to do it during working days, not in a holiday like now? So I would have so many things to distract my attention. Then I realized perhaps it was just one of so many perfect reason to call it a day!

Then I woke up (with growling stomach) and the fresh memory of that dream, just to start my day. I went to check Facebooks (FB) and found some funny and silly comments from friends over some photos (really fun) and I gladly joined the troops. It was fun! I also run through some of my friends FB status who were 90% talked about 'Lebaran' traditional showering food! Ketupat, opor, rendang, sambal goreng ati, kaastengels... did they really have to put all those stuffs in their status, so I thought? Of course, they did! Well, I certainly would! It was a true happiness, it was a living...!
I decided to turn on the TV. I hope to see some entertaining show or great movies to keep my mind busy. But you know what? I forgot that it's Saturday! Most of TV stations put up the cooking show in most of their morning show! So I had no choice but watching Chef Farah demonstrated the recipe of (again) lebaran typical food with all the details of creamy look, the ingredients to tell audience what the taste would like. Not only that, she also shared how to cook the lovely milky pudding...Whoaaa! Pudding! It was mostly the first thing to grab when I was in any wedding reception or office function! That's it. I walked away from TV.
Then I went joining my brother in the back terrace, thinking to have a light chat with him and distract my attention. I felt hungry and grabbed some melon in fridge as my breakfast. While we were chatting, he too had a breakfast. A real one! Nasi goreng with hot omelet, smoked beef sausage and some kerupuk. Hmmm... I could hold my breath but that smell was reeaaaaaallyy good! Soon he finished it up, he started to have a steamed noodle, an overcooked one which was my favorite. That's it! I couldn't take it anymore. I went to shower.

If TV couldn't help me, then why not playing some DVDs? As all the morning stuffs didn't enough to 'torture' me, why all the sudden the SATC and Glee movies series should also join the troops? Sigh.... It was about the girls hanging out in a cafe for coffee, a guy ordering a biig portion of burger or simply the act of eating and chewing some foods really dragged me to even a greater hunger.
It was heavily raining outside, so I turned off the un-supportive TV and took a nap. But... damn! Again! I had those dreams! Over and over again. I woke up at 4 pm, had some water and slept again, hoping that this time it would not be about food dreaming again. But I was so damn wrong.
I went to FB again, thinking that the euphoria of lebaran food festive was now over. Yes, the lebaran food party is over, but don't get it wrong... it just changed to others! They who have got enough with milky meals and all ketupat things, turned to some light soup like hot meal balls soup, dim sum with the hot chili or sup iga sapi. They were all loud and clear about that!
Poor me... the whole universe didn't seem to support me, but I would not give up. It's only one day left...Strongly hope that I would not end up with revenge at the end and eat like crazy... counting on what Ricky said, that it would make my appetite re-set again....fingers crossed!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Day 1: An apple a day? Think again...

For some years I have never considered my health into account. I ate whatever tasted great, drank anything that satisfied my thirst (or simply wanted to have a try on the mixed ingredients), ate any kind of meals without having so much worry in timing - I could ate a full basket of nasi goreng by midnight and then went straight to bed. Not a single worry hit me...
Until that one moment. It was when my brother was sent to ER at 11pm for an extreme pain in his chest, his heart. I was totally dumbstruck! We have a rather similar health history - a never-on-normal-level of cholesterol. I guess it goes in the gene, but blame it to anything. It got me scared and brought me to go check to lab of my blood chemical...voilaaaa.... it's 240! Fyi, normal level is 200 and I have never been below that level.
So here I am now, deciding to take full advice of a friend, Ricky Atmaja, who has spent almost an hour of his Friday morning to preach me about the importance of health and introduced me to detoxification (or detox, for short) as one of so many ways to cleanse my body.
He challenged me to take a full three day of consuming nothing but fruits and water, and really nothing but those stuffs. "What is so difficult about that? It's a piece of cake for me....veerrry easy!". But those words just successfully ate me back!
I compared this Detox program was like cleaning up my workstation. Challenging! Those of you who really knew me at work (or simply by looking at my working desk) would certainly understand what I meant about this analogy... hehe..
Today was just my first day. I started my day with two glasses of water then had a lunch and dinner with papaya. Only those stuffs went through my stomach. Nothing else. Did you think it was easy? Have a try then... Not only it got your appetite of (any) food become extremely (yes, extremely!) bigger that you see some 'peyek teri' was like looking at a biiiig cheesy and fully-fruity cheese cake, but also it got your tamper. I became easily to get annoyed for a very small could ask my brother about this.
During my afternoon lay-down, in order to keep my mind occupied (rather than thinking about how nice those kastengels cookies, smokey 'bandeng', a slice of choco cake in fridge, a yummy chitato cheese, etc), I have this rather frightening realization that our body can really absorb everything we drink, eat, and breathe. So every cup of coffee, every spoon of creamy corn soup, every sip of cappuccino, every bite of a sirloin steak, every portion of spaghetti carbonara (best one!), or very breath of air, polluted or otherwise is pulled into our body and processed by our liver. The good taste actually reached only until your throat, the rest your body who will suffer. But that short route was the one that gave us a satisfaction, happiness, great name it everything as a good effect of having great food (great friends is a bonus)
So the battle is even far to finish. I still have two more days to go.... *sigh...* Tomorrow my menu will be melon and apple. Hopefully by doing it during the Lebaran holiday, it is the right decision.
An apple a day? think again....
I miss rice... and anything that comes with it...hahaha...
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